Bro/Zeek Script

Loading Bro/ZEEK Script

Custom-Scripts for security onion

We will use the producer-consumer-ratio.zeek script and load it into security onion for this example.

The end goal is to have a pcr field added to conn.log. This will enable future analytics be completed easier in splunk. This can be done at time of search, in a constrained environment, but where possible it is recommended to use the method below.

Create a new directory under /opt/bro/share/bro/policy/

sudo mkdir /opt/bro/share/bro/policy/custom-scripts

Add your custom script(s) and __load__.zeek to this directory.

sudo wget
sudo mv producer-consumer-ratio.bro producer-consumer-ratio.zeek
sudo touch __load__.zeek

Modify __load__.zeek to reference the scripts in the custom-scripts directory:

@load ./producer-consumer-ratio.zeek

Edit /opt/bro/share/bro/site/local.zeek

We want zeek to load the new scripts in /opt/bro/share/bro/policy/custom-scripts So we will be adding @load custom-scripts at the bottom of the file and saving the file.

@load custom-scripts

Restart Bro.

sudo nsm_sensor_ps-restart --only-bro

Check for initial errors

Check /nsm/bro/logs/current/loaded_scripts.log to see if your custom script(s) has/have been loaded.

Check /nsm/bro/logs/current/reporter.log for clues if your custom script(s) is/are not working as desired.


What is PCR

Purpose: Find changes in traffic flows that indicate exfil

Data Required: session data (argus, netflow/ipfix, or bro-logs)

Collection Considerations:

Analysis Techniques: Identify changes in host roles, and investigate. PCR is a normalized metric of traffic ratios and from a host ranging from -1 to 1.


host role


pure push - FTP upload, multicast, beaconing


70:30 export - Sending Email


Balanced Exchange - NTP, ARP probe


3:1 import - HTTP Browsing


pure pull - HTTP Download

Below is the script that we pulled with the wget command above

This script can be used to implement the Producer Consumer Ratio as described by

# Copyright 2013 Reservoir Labs, Inc.
# All rights reserved.
# Contributed by Bob Rotsted
# Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Data Rights.
# These SBIR data are furnished with SBIR rights under Contract
# No. DE-SC0004400 and DE-SC0006343. For a period of 4 years
# (expiring August, 2018), unless extended in accordance with
# FAR 27.409(h), subject to Section 8 of the SBA SBIR Policy
# Directive of August 6, 2012, after acceptance of all items to
# be delivered under this contract, theGovernment will use these
# data for Government purposes only, and theyshall not be
# disclosed outside the Government (including disclosure for
# procurement purposes) during such period without permission of
# the Contractor, except that, subject to the foregoing use and
# disclosure prohibitions, these data may be disclosed for use
# by support Contractors. After the protection period, the
# Government has a paid-up license to use, and to authorize
# others to use on its behalf, these data for Government
# purposes, but is relieved of all disclosure prohibitions and
# assumes no liability for unauthorized use of these data by
# third parties. This notice shall be affixed to any
# reproductions of these data, in whole or in part.

##! Implements the Producer Consumer Ratio as described by

module PCR;

export {

    ## Add 'pcr' field to Conn log
    redef record Conn::Info += {
        pcr: double &log &optional;

    ## Create new 'pcr' log
    redef enum Log::ID += { LOG };

    type Info: record {
        ts: time     &log;
        src: addr     &log;
        pcr: double &log;
        summary_interval: interval &log;

    global log_pcr: event(rec: Info);

    ## Sets the summary interval for PCR metric
    global summary_interval = 1min &redef;


event connection_state_remove (c: connection) {

    if (c$id$orig_h !in Site::local_nets) {

    local numerator = (c$orig$size + 0.0) - (c$resp$size + 0.0);
    local denominator = (c$orig$size + 0.0) + (c$resp$size + 0.0);

    if (numerator == 0.0 )

    local x = ( numerator / denominator );
    c$conn$pcr = x;

    SumStats::observe( "pcr", [$host=c$id$orig_h], [$dbl=x] );


event bro_init() {

    ## Create PCR log stream
    Log::create_stream(PCR::LOG, [$columns=Info, $ev=log_pcr]);

    local r1 = SumStats::Reducer($stream="pcr", 

    SumStats::create([$name = "pcr",
                      $epoch = summary_interval,
                      $reducers = set(r1),
                      $epoch_result(ts: time, key: SumStats::Key, result: SumStats::Result) = {

                        local rec: PCR::Info = [$ts=network_time(), $src=key$host, $summary_interval=PCR::summary_interval, $pcr=result["pcr"]$average];
                        Log::write(PCR::LOG, rec);



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