Building a Local DNS Server

In this guide we will be covering building a BIND9 DNS server on Ubuntu 19.10 Server. For more information about Berkeley Internet Named Domain visit: We utilized this DNS Server for the installation of VCSA since it requires DNS (if you want less headaches).

Step 1: Install BIND9

sudo -i 
apt-get install bind9
# verify the service is running once the install is complete

Step 2: Basic Configuration

edit /etc/bind/named.conf.local Replace "domain" with the name of your domain

// Do any local configuration here

// Consider adding the 1918 zones here, if they are not used in your
// organization
//include "/etc/bind/zones.rfc1918";
zone "AJ.labz"{
	type master;
	//file "/etc/bind/zones/";
	file "/etc/bind/zones/db.aj.labz

//reverse lookup zone
zone "" {
type master;
//file "/etc/bind/zones/";
file "/etc/bind/zones/db.50.24.10";

Now create the “zones” directory as specified above mkdir /etc/zones cd /etc/zones create the files as specified above touch /etc/zones/db.aj.labz touch /etc/zones/db.50.24.10 edit /etc/zones/db.aj.labz

$TTL 900
@ IN SOA ns1.aj.labz. admin.aj.labz. (
1 ;<serial-number>
900 ;<time-to-refresh>
900 ;<time-to-retry>
604800 ;<time-to-expire>
900 ) ; <minimum-TTL>
;List Nameservers
 IN NS ns1.aj.labz.
 IN NS ns2.aj.labz.
;address to name mapping
esxi.aj.labz. IN A
vsphere.aj.labz. IN A
ns1.aj.labz. IN A
ns2.aj.labz. IN A

edit /etc/zones/db.50.24.10

$TTL 900
@ IN SOA ns1.aj.labz. admin.aj.labz. (
 2 ;<serial-number>
 900 ;<time-to-refresh>
 900 ;<time-to-retry>
 604800 ;<time-to-expire>
 900) ;<minimum-TTL>
; name servers
 IN NS ns1.aj.labz.
 IN NS ns2.aj.labz.
; PTR Records
101.50 IN PTR vsphere.aj.labz. ;
100.50 IN PTR esxi.aj.labz. ;

restart BIND9 to enforce the changes /etc/init.d/bind9 restart

Step 3: Test DNS Server


Last updated