SSH Persistence and Hijacking
if writable on victim
Create keys on attacker box
Copy key to victim
Now you can SSH without a passphrase
SSH Agent-Forwarding
Looking for socket files
Use existing connection to get to another machine
modification of ~/.ssh/config
any new connections will try to use an existing control socket
need to set permissions on the config file and create the controlmaster folder
Create keys
public keys need to be copied to the other boxes if possible
Must modify local .ssh/config file to enable forward agent
The intermediate server / controller must have AllowAgentForwarding in sshd config enabled
must enable the ssh agent on our Kali box
now we must add our keys to the ssh agent
ssh into the controller as offsec, then ssh into the linuxvictim as offsec and exit the linux victim session
Controlmaster config
need to set permissions on the config file and create the controlmaster folder
if there happens to be a session it can be seen in the controlmaster folder created
If there is an entry you can ssh to that box by specifying ssh -S
Enumeration of sockets
Looking for the "SSH_AUTH_SOCK entry"
Look for the last line "SSH_AUTH_SOCK"
Cracking SSH Keys
Copy SSH key to Kali
gunzip /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.gz (if not already done)
Use cracked key to laterally move
Last updated
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