Installing Protocol Analyzers

Security Onion Prerequisites

Update security onion

sudo soup

Install GCC-6

sudo apt-get update && \
sudo apt-get install build-essential software-properties-common -y && \
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test -y && \
sudo apt-get update && \
sudo apt-get install gcc-6 g++-6 -y && \
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gcc gcc /usr/bin/gcc-6 60 --slave /usr/bin/g++ g++ /usr/bin/g++-6 && \
gcc -v

Install cmake by a PPA (Upgrade to 3.2)

sudo apt-get install software-properties-common
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:george-edison55/cmake-3.x
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install cmake

Install Package libpcap0.8-dev package

sudo apt-get install libpcap0.8-dev

This should cover any errors you may encounter

Install and Configure ZKG Command-Line Utilitiy

Install zkg Using the latest stable release on PyPI:

$ pip install zkg

Or using the latest git development version:

$ pip install git+git://

If not using something like virtualenv to manage Python environments, the default user script directory is ~/.local/bin and you may have to modify your PATH to search there for zkg.

After installing via pip, additional configuration is required. First, make sure that the zeek-config script that gets installed with zeek is in your PATH. Then, as the user you want to run zkg with, do:

$ zkg autoconfig

This automatically generates a config file with the following suggested settings that should work for most Zeek deployments:

  • script_dir: set to the location of Zeek's site scripts directory (e.g. <zeek_install_prefix>/share/zeek/site)

  • plugin_dir: set to the location of Zeek's default plugin directory (e.g. <zeek_install_prefix>/lib/zeek/plugins)

  • zeek_dist: set to the location of Zeek's source code. If you didn't build/install Zeek from source code, this field will not be set, but it's only needed if you plan on installing packages that have uncompiled Zeek plugins.

If your Zeek installation is owned by "root" and you intend to run zkg as a different user, then you should grant "write" access to the directories specified by script_dir and plugin_dir. E.g. you could do something like:

$ sudo chgrp $USER $(zeek-config --site_dir) $(zeek-config --plugin_dir)
$ sudo chmod g+rwX $(zeek-config --site_dir) $(zeek-config --plugin_dir)

The final step is to edit your site/local.zeek. If you want to have Zeek automatically load the scripts from all installed packages that are also marked as "loaded" add:

@load packages

Install Third-Party Plugin for ZEEK using the ZKG Utility

Start by cloning the git repo of the package you want to install

git clone
cd zeek-plugin-enip

Use the zkg tool to install the plugin.

zkg install --force --skiptests $CWD

This script will loop through the listed repos and install install the plugins with zkg


# going to clone under /usr/local/src
mkdir -p "$SRC_BASE_DIR"

# get_latest_github_tagged_release
# get the latest GitHub release tag name given a github repo URL
function get_latest_github_tagged_release() {
  REPO_NAME="$(echo "$REPO_URL" | sed 's|.*github\.com/||')"
  REDIRECT_URL="$(curl -fsSLI -o /dev/null -w %{url_effective} "$LATEST_URL" 2>/dev/null)"
  if [[ "$LATEST_URL" = "$REDIRECT_URL"/latest ]]; then
    echo ""
    echo "$REDIRECT_URL" | sed 's|.*tag/||'

# clone_github_repo
# clone the latest GitHub release tag if available (else, master/HEAD) under $SRC_BASE_DIR
function clone_github_repo() {
  if [[ -n $REPO_URL ]]; then
    REPO_LATEST_RELEASE="$(get_latest_github_tagged_release "$REPO_URL")"
    SRC_DIR="$SRC_BASE_DIR"/"$(echo "$REPO_URL" | sed 's|.*/||')"
    rm -rf "$SRC_DIR"
    if [[ -n $REPO_LATEST_RELEASE ]]; then
      git -c core.askpass=true clone --branch "$REPO_LATEST_RELEASE" --depth 1 "$REPO_URL" "$SRC_DIR" >/dev/null 2>&1
      git -c core.askpass=true clone --depth 1 "$REPO_URL" "$SRC_DIR" >/dev/null 2>&1
    [ $? -eq 0 ] && echo "$SRC_DIR" || echo "cloning \"$REPO_URL\" failed" >&2

# install Zeek packages that insatll nicely using zkg
for i in ${ZKG_GITHUB_URLS[@]}; do
  SRC_DIR="$(clone_github_repo "$i")"
  [[ -d "$SRC_DIR" ]] && zkg install --force --skiptests "$SRC_DIR"

Manual Install

Start by cloning the git repo of the package you want to install

Then follow the steps below

git clone
cd zeek-plugin-enip
make && \ make install

# if plugin_dir && zeek_dist are not in path you will need to manually specify them
#./configure --bro-dist="zeek_dist" --install-root="plugin_dir"

Last updated